
Our history

About Scramblecross

Extremely active in the motorcycle industry, Scramblecross founder Mike Kidd was the 1981 AMA Winston Pro Grand National Champion, creator of the AMA National Arenacross Series, Inducted in the AMA Hall of Fame, produced over 1000 amateur and professional racing events, sold over 2,000,000 tickets generated millions in sponsorship revenue along with securing TV contracts for sporting events.

Scramblecross was created with the vision of bringing motocross back to the basics, no doubles, triples, whoops...just the basics.  Fast forward four years later, Scramblecross has now spread into a series which takes us to Texas best motocross parks, Badlands, Village Creek and Oakhill MX Park.

Promoters and officials

  • Jeff Oldenburg

  • Garth Weibe

  • Terry Cordray

  • Mike Kidd


  1. Patricia Woods says

    how do I get points standings for Mark Woods?

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